Commenting on Sherry Turkle's TED Talk

When I use mobile technology, yes it may seem like I’m isolating myself from the onset, on the contrary, I still am just not as much.  For someone like me who isn’t very good in social situations and struggles with making friends, I find it easier to talk with others using technology and can make friends a lot easier this way, compared to in real life, even though it’s not impossible for me to make friends in real life, it’s just a lot harder.  Regarding a point made by Ms. Turkle on the part of using technology to find connections saying that a connection using technology isn’t as good as having one in real life, I would like to politely disagree, and say that those who spend time online and use technology, wanting to form connections with others, can build some lifelong friendships despite those friends being so far away.  Just like in real life.  Distance doesn’t matter, it’s the friendships and bonds you create that matter. 


  1. I agree with your post. I wrote about my grandma being isolated and “alone.” You enjoy connections with the digital world and I do as well.


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